moon indicating dark mode
sun indicating light mode
Jonathan Borg
Personal blog of Jonathan Borg
Just trying to bubble sort my thoughts

Building and serving gatsbyjs with docker

September 26, 2020

On a recent project I have been working on, I had to find a way to host a gatsbyjs project in a docker container. After a quick search for…

Custom keyboard layout

September 05, 2020

So i have for a long time used third party software to rebind my keyboard so that I could use the US keyboard layout when i program and…

Thinking about proxy components

December 17, 2019

Refactorability is.. not a word, but it should be, it should be defined as To which degree or factor a piece of code or application is able…

Thinking about modals

December 04, 2019

Modals are apart of any modern website/app, hate them or love them, they do have valid use cases, even if they are often used for annoying…


November 30, 2019

I have a tendency to indulge in nostalgia perhaps a bit more than some would consider normal. But i figured I could improve my web…